After several months of training in the garage, I finally get out into the wide, open suburban wilderness.
This is my 21st RtB’s event, wow how did that happen!! I started doing it in my day chair (everyday chair, not the racechair I use now) 1996 and it took 54mins! Today I managed 25mins and I just turned 50 a couple of weeks ago, old tricks for old dog. Even managed to catch up with old friend Dom Harvey, and new friend (I hope) Blair Tuke.
Over $227,000 raised for 94 deserving charities, and on top of that $25,000 to Live Ocean Foundation, and $10,000 to The Y North. Big thanks to all those that donated and/or helped raise these funds.
So much fun, even with the rain it was great to see a massive turn out, approximately 27,000 in total! There was 3 of us racechair users at the RtB start line, first time in years it’s not been just me in costume racechair! There was another group further back from the Elite racechairs, with Spinal Support, there was more day chair users pushing the course, some using the Freewheel attachment (great product, I have one too, not a paid endorsement).
I kept most of my race numbers after seeing a few on a friends wall, they look great and so colourful.
Each event has meant so much to me, in terms of continued commitment to fitness and highlighting disability. It’s only through the support and help from family and friends I’m able to do any of my fitness endeavours. The saying “standing on the shoulders of giants” comes to mind, as I compete alone, I couldn’t do it without others behind me.