Generate “Meet Our Members”

I was interviewed by Liz Harding from Generate and this is the outcome.

A wonderful, inspiring read that really took my breath away. Upon reading the article, I found it hard to believe it was me they were talking about!

I’m honoured to be affiliated with such a reputable company as Generate.

Our goal is to empower our members with the knowledge they need to make smart decisions about their KiwiSaver investment, helping them feel confident with their plan and achieve the lifestyle they desire in retirement.


Right Track – 8th June program

I can’t explain just how amazing this program is. If there’s anyway you can help or support this program, please do it!

Today there was 14 young people on the course and we (Steven and myself) managed to assist Rose (ARSU nurse) in presenting some basic facts to them. The program itself is aimed at troubled youths and helping them change their decision making process, change their outcomes, resulting in better consequences for them and those around them.

Honestly, I am so happy and proud to be part of this program and supporting them. I don’t feel like I do much, but hopefully my story helps them. I wish I had something like this program when I was younger, it might have helped changed my decision making process. I know now in later later, I make better choices and as a result benefit from better outcomes.

John, Brenton, Helen & the team do an amazing job running this program. Massive thanks to them and the crew.

22nd – 26th May : MSNZ conference and AGM

For those of you that don’t know, I volunteer on the People in Motorsport committee, with MSNZ. It’s a great way to give back, volunteer towards anything to do with MSNZ. Remember that at every event, (regardless of track, rally etc) there’s always several people that will be volunteering to make sure you have a great & safe event day.

It’s hard getting a group of people together, but when you do, you get results. People in Motorsport committee meet up and work on our presentation for the conference. It was great to see other committees, and see them present during the conference as well.

The AGM is, well, the AGM that is like every other AGM that people know of.

Thanks again for having the conference in Chch. I had a ride in tram, wonder around the city, dinner out each night, and managed to catch up with a friend as well. Amazing what you can fit into a trip 🙂 Oh, even managed to bump into Jason Gunn on the flight home, and the new MSNZ president!!


19th May – Track day for Team Motive & Kurt Peterson

I turned up today at Hampton Downs, just to help and support Kurt and Zoomzoom.

The Team Motive racey MX5 Zoomzoom again played ball and really showed it’s stripes keeping pace and smashing the track all day. Kurt went out several times during the Time Trial (classic trial) testing his ability to have a consistent lap time. He was good, but honestly, it’s not easy guessing your lap time and then keeping it as consistent as possible. Try it some time!

Well done Kurt (and managing to take out a passenger for a lunchtime ride), huge thanks to HRC for helping arrange that. Glad you managed yourself and Zoomzoom well Kurt, and happy to support you.

20th anniversary Firefighter SkyTower Climb!!

So another Firefighter Skytower climb fundraiser, but this one, was like no other before… This was the 20th anniversary edition, and it was massive.

For the last several years they’ve managed to raise over $1m each year, this year they really raised the bar, aiming high for $2m!!

Every year the event starts off subdued and quietly, then a Haka, followed by a bunch of firefighters climbing the tower for the next 6 hours!!

Remember there’s only around 1000 climbers, raising funds for LFC (Leukaemia Blood Cancer foundation) for only a one day event!! And on this day, this year, the Firefighter Skytower Climb managed to raise $1.92m!!! What an incredible journey and effort from all involved. Fired Up events done an incredible job this year, Scotty, Heather and everyone in the team (including the climbers themselves) have outdone themselves.

Clap clap, well done and pat yourselves on the back. See you all again next year, and do this fundraising again.

London Marathon 2024

These last 9 months have been a wild ride of ups and downs towards the start of the London Marathon. It began with an idea of doing the iconic race in my racing wheelchair, whilst wearing my squirrel suit. How I got the squirrel suit is another story. I’ve completed many events here in Auckland in various costumes, but this event would be a huge step up.

I would be the first to take part in this Elite wheelchair event in costume. Firstly overcoming the rather substantial financial challenge (largely in thanks to Hollister) I secured my place with a marathon tour company. Hollister has been a massive supporter of my progress the last couple of years, and I must say, without their unwavering support, I would’ve been able to complete this goal. Thank you Hollister.

Fast forward several months, finding my friend Graeme Williams and myself navigating the flooding Dubai on the way to London. Also no easy feet of blagging my way into the event itself. The organisers were not as excited as I was about the prospect of being in costume, for the Elite racing wheelchair category. However, I managed to run the 26miles with the masses (not as an Elite wheelchair) as this was a compromise they were prepared to make in order for me to participate.

This was incredible journey and the energy from the crowds throughout the entire course, is only able to be described as exceptional. You need to have experienced it to believe just how powerful the cheers and motivation was for 42.2km!!  I had never experienced anything like it. If you ever get the opportunity to tick this box, do it!!

I’m now on the way to getting my Abbotts 6 Star Medal… But that’s a story for another day. I’ll revisit in November, when I do the New York Marathon, as a squirrel!! 🙂

TCS London Marathon 2024TCS London Marathon 2024

Right Track – Sat 9th March (Te Ara Tutuki Pai)

A wonderful group today of young people at risk… The Right Track program offers really supports their ethos of the ripple effect.

I love how they deliver such an amazing program each time. They stylise and deliver the program at the right level for each specific group.

These teens/tweens are great, and after talking to the presenters, many of them have opened up and changed dramatically over the last 5 days. Fills me with confidence in the future of our youth and society at large.

I am privileged to be part of this program and helping support changing lives, shaping our youth and changing the future!

2024 Round the Bays – 3rd March (my 21st RtBs)

After several months of training in the garage, I finally get out into the wide, open suburban wilderness.

This is my 21st RtB’s event, wow how did that happen!! I started doing it in my day chair (everyday chair, not the racechair I use now) 1996 and it took 54mins! Today I managed 25mins and I just turned 50 a couple of weeks ago, old tricks for old dog. Even managed to catch up with old friend Dom Harvey, and new friend (I hope) Blair Tuke.

Over $227,000 raised for 94 deserving charities, and on top of that $25,000 to Live Ocean Foundation, and $10,000 to The Y North. Big thanks to all those that donated and/or helped raise these funds.

So much fun, even with the rain it was great to see a massive turn out, approximately 27,000 in total! There was 3 of us racechair users at the RtB start line, first time in years it’s not been just me in costume racechair! There was another group further back from the Elite racechairs, with Spinal Support, there was more day chair users pushing the course, some using the Freewheel attachment (great product, I have one too, not a paid endorsement).

I kept most of my race numbers after seeing a few on a friends wall, they look great and so colourful.

Each event has meant so much to me, in terms of continued commitment to fitness and highlighting disability. It’s only through the support and help from family and friends I’m able to do any of my fitness endeavours. The saying “standing on the shoulders of giants” comes to mind, as I compete alone, I couldn’t do it without others behind me.



Right Track – Te Ara Tutuki Pai

Again, I visited ASU (Auckland Spinal Unit) to help support a great program, The Right Track.

This program helps support at risk teens/tweenties and learn to make changes (better choices) in their lives. John, Brenton do a fantastic job of delivering this ripple effect program and it culminates on the last day at the ASU.

Along with Lee Taniwha, Steve and myself, there is a couple of physio’s Orla and Rose.

A huge thank you for allowing myself to be part of this program and support these individuals to improve their own lives. It’s a privilege to be part of their lives and getting asked some serious questions about what happened to me to end up in a wheelchair.