Qantas cabin crew intake training – FAI110716AKL
The wonders of Jet Connect again with another 14 crew members being trained up for NZ and Australia.
We gave them the usual information and questions, with the same expectation that they all met wonderfully.
I feel so privileged to be involved with the travel and tourism industry as its a massive part of NZ’s culture. 1 in 6 NZer’s are involved in the T&T industry and therefore needs to be reposted. Not to mention that basic principles for life and dealing with people need to meet or exceed peoples expectations.
I love these people, love this work, and love my life 🙂 Thanks to everyone I come across and you help me evolve.
Hi their
I have applied for cabin crew jetconnect Qantas and I have been to the assessment day which to my knowledge thought it was pretty awesome, I applied with the Auckland based one, so I made it through to the interview stage and after that the next couple of days they checked my referees and now I’m still waiting to hear from them. I’m really anxious because I don’t know where I stand at this point. They did get a hold of me and asked me if I wanted to do long or short because I had put both down. Just wanting to know how long does it take to hear back from them please. My assessment date was back in May it is now August. I’m just excited and eager at the same time. They did say the still waiting on confirmation from Sydney tho.
Hi Of a
All the best with making it into the Qantas, Jet Connect training centre. I hope you’ve heard from them & training now.
Hi Lee, My daughter had an assessment day with Jetconnect on 8/10/2016. References checked etc. what is the approximate time span for confirmation of being accepted. Very nerve racking for her.
Hi Angela, sorry for not seeing your comments earlier. I do not do any of that side of the trains, so it would be best to ask the JetConnect staff. I’m sure by now you have heard, I would hope. All the best to you and your daughter 🙂