Australian World Cup IPC shooting event, 12th-20th Sept 2015
So after many months of training, the Team NZ, took our game to the Australian’s!
There was a huge amount of competition at this event, as after this, there is only one more event to gain a slot for Rio 2016. We had our work cut out for us.
I enjoyed the person rivalry we had in the team as we all are trying our best to be noticed by PNZ. After shooting in my R1 Standing event on Tuesday, was very tired. The match itself was a mission as everything just felt a little ‘off’. Once home, I’ll work through these feeling and smooth out my shots to a better result next time.
R3 Prone on Thursday was the real meat. Somehow I managed to put my training of R1 into this event. Basically I have been only training for R1 as thats harder, so when I came to R3, I utilised all my coach had helped me with, to give me a wonderful result.
So, with 5 of us in the R3 ranking, I managed to pull out of the bag an IPC MQS for Rio (no slot though) and beat the other 4 team mates in SH1 R3!!! I was so exhausted by the end of the event, I could barely smile! The only thing on my mind was to eat & sleep, in any order.
Big thanks to all my supporters that have helped me get to this point and looking forward to the future, I have Stoke Maneville in England to attend…
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