Auckland Marathon – first inclussion of wheelchairs
Starting at Devonport and soon becoming very hilly, all the way through to the bridge itself. What a great course and this very special event happened to be my first ever marathon as well.
ASB were fantastic supporters of the event, inviting wheelies to their tent at the finish line. All of their helpers were very helpful and gave assistance where needed at the grass tent area. They also helped with bbq food an drinks. Yum, great way to finish a race.
I secretly asked the organisers for a particular race number (anything with legs eleven in it) and they accommodated, giving me 30011 🙂 Freaking yay!
What also made this event special for me personally was racing with one of my early wheelchair racing legend Gavin Foresham. My first marathon, his 40th marathon! FYI – I managed a reasonable time of 2hrs 23mins for the 42km event, just in case you were wondering 🙂
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