Round the Bays – 8th March Auckland
Yet another fantastically run event.
I so love doing the Ports of Auckland Round the Bays event, well ok, how about I say there’s a lot of enjoyment had from all the kids that wave at me during the event.
While I run from the finish line to the start, I was stopped several times (by adults and kids) for a quick selfie. At least people recognised the character I dressed as this year! Each year, I push from the finish line to the start, then actually do the race. Not like I can catch a bus in a racing wheelchair! Ha ha.
It’s a hot suits/costumes I run in, but there are plenty of people who, for whatever reason, are unable to run and keep fit. The enjoyment people get from watching a silly guy get hot dressed up for a few km’s is fully worth it. All the happy faces tell me it’s worth it.
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