Rex Bionics photo shoot

Rex Bionics asked me again to support them, this time with allowing myself to be photographed in Rex. Great day and had my brother there to watch the fun. After several hours, they had the necessary pics they needed.

It’s possible some of these pics will be used for the Anzscos meeting in couple of weeks, I’ll be there support Rex again. I really enjoy the company and the progress they’re making.

Rex photo shoot 30Oct 2014

Discovery for Teens (D55)

For another 13 days of the Discovery programme and the programme works!  The core staff arrived early as usual, connected then greeted the team leaders. Once they had been inducted, we all welcomed the 75 teenagers and started the programme. The long hours, challengers, and stresses all seem to pay off when on Day 7 everyone (including the parents) can see the changes that have taken place in these future leaders, thanks to the Discovery for Teens!

D55 - Course Room 1

D55 – Course Room 1